Ferrara and Nestlé Join Forces

By Candy & Snack Today —

Chicago — Ferrara Candy Co., Inc. and Nestlé USA, Inc. presented a combined sales force to the trade this morning for the first time since coming together under the Ferrero Group umbrella.

“We view the merger as bringing together two very strong portfolios and our intent is to combine that with a team that is motivated to grow sales for our customers. Ultimately, that is our overarching mandate,” Todd Siwak, Ferrara CEO tells Candy & Snack TODAY.

He notes the first move was to bring a direct relationship with retailers, building out the team channel by channel and customer by customer.

With the sales team assembled, Siwak explained the focus will now be on improving everyday items, while putting extra emphasis on seasonal products. Of course, the combined firm has a leg up in both markets, as it is the second largest manufacturer for everyday non-chocolate, the sales leader for seasonal non-chocolate and the fourth largest player in chocolate, according to Ferrara’s CEO.

Via Candy Usa.